- Phone: +49 (699) 675 86 09
- Email: dv@bruecke-gmbh.de
Valuable information from the reliable successful business person, emotional recharge and the possibility of the personal contact with business expert will enrich your thinking and will provide new ideas for the personal and business development.
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Your specialization strenghthens your skills. Business Training immersion is a program that will introduce you to the details of the specific topic inherent to your business. Leading highly tailored experts will provide you with the most useful and necessary information in a short period of time.
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This event combines together the education and holidays abroad. New knowledge that is supported by the interesting events we will organize for you, will allow you to recharge your energy for the future victories in business and personal life.
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Personal coaching is a creative partnership beetween authoritative expert and client, focusing on designing and implementing specific, meaningful changes in your client's personal and/or professional life.
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